• 31 December 2016, Saturday
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Irvin Yalom. Film from the teleconference "The sense of living. How death helps us?"

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Event League / Ивент Лига
2990 дней назад
31 December 2016 c 18:30 до 21:30

In April 2016, Irvin Yalom — a legend, guru, one of the founders of existential psychology, and also the most widely read author of non-fiction and fiction books — hold a teleconference on the existential issues, he told his secrets of his secrets of well-being and active ageing and revealed the theme of life purpose and death anxiety. More than 10 thousands of participants, around 50 countries and just one wonderful interlocutor. During an hour Doctor Yalom answered the questions that had came from all over the world.


The sense of living. How death helps us?This question takes many forms.

What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of my life? Why are we here? What makes us tick? If we are all going to die, if nothing remains, then what is the point of anything?

The main purpose of the videoconference is an acquisition of new understanding of the reason to live. Irvin Yalom is a master of angles. He deeply looks at existential concepts, such as death and death anxiety, which at one level constrain our existence, but on the other — form the current living and its quality and are able to show hidden person capabilities and potential. 


The film is made in the original languages of speaker and its host. There are sub-titles in both English and Russian if needed. So it is easily to watch in both languages. Irvin Yalom’s answers are in the original.

The organizer of the event is the international producer center "Event League".


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